- Bias Incident Report Form: If you believe you have been an target of prejudice or discrimination, or have witnessed an act of bias or intolerance in the George Mason University community, please take a few minutes to tell us what happened. Please recognize that completing this incident report form does not constitute filing a formal complaint. To file a formal complaint, contact University’s Office of Equity and Diversity Services (equity.gmu.edu) or the University Police (www.gmu.edu/depts/police), as appropriate. In some cases, however, the university may use information from an incident report to establish a formal charge. Bias Incident Team Coordinator – biasrept@gmu.edu (confidential)
- University Police
Save the date: May 12th
Immigration & Human Rights Film Series presents: BULLY. The screening is free and open to public with a light reception provided. A question-and-answer session immediately follows the film. Event Sponsors: The event is sponsored by University Life – Prince William Campus, Wellness, Alcohol, and Violence Education and Services, Campus Climate Committee, and Unity in the Community.